College of Science & Health

Building the Foundation

Preparing for Tomorrow

two students in the biochemistry lab

School of Natural & Applied Sciences

We are deeply committed to helping students build a strong foundation in science, technology, and mathematics that will prepare them for a range of careers

School of Natural & Applied Sciences Home Page >>

Two students working in a computer lab

School of Computer Sciences & Mathematics

The foundation of Avila’s Computer Science program is a range of courses that give students concepts, theory, and practice in the academic discipline.

School of Computer Sciences & Mathematics Home Page >>

Avila nursing student laughing with two other students in the classroom

School of Nursing

For more than 70 years, Avila’s School of Nursing has earned an outstanding reputation for preparing leaders in the field. Our faculty prepare graduates to have successful careers and to contribute to nursing through membership and activity in professional nursing organizations.

School of Nursing Home Page >>

imaging science student in clinical situation

School of IMaging Sciences

As the only baccalaureate program in the area, Avila’s Radiology program offers students a chance to develop specific technical skills while obtaining a liberal arts education.

School of Imaging Sciences Home Page >>

“Avila University appealed to me because of the potential to become involved. The school offers multiple clubs, athletics, and volunteer opportunities to meet people they would not otherwise. For me, the science club Tri Beta, allowed to me to network and gain experience within a leadership role. “

Jordan Burns ’15



Avila’s College of Science and Health is comprised of the School of Natural and Applied Science, the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, the School of Nursing and the School of Imaging Sciences. Combined the College offers undergraduate major degree programs in computer science, cybersecurity, software engineering, radiologic science, biochemistry and molecular biology, biology, kinesiology, nursing, and wellness studies. Professional health sciences is another undergraduate degree option available to Avila students. In this program, Avila prepares students for post-graduate studies along a number of career tracks including pre-med, pre-veterinary science, pre-pharmaceutical, pre-occupational therapy, and pre-physical therapy. Avila students can also minor in computer science, cybersecurity, mathematics, biology, chemistry, forensic science, and kinesiology through the College. Kinesiology is the one master’s degree program within the College.

The College of Science and Health offices are in O’Rielly Hall. Students have access to four biology laboratories, three research laboratories, a common core research facility, chemistry and physics facilities, and lecture rooms. Recently updated in the University’s last capital campaign, students work with state-of-the-art microscopes, surgical stereo microscopes, PCR thermocyclers, biochemical and molecular biology equipment, incubators, an autoclave, a culture hood, a fluorescence microscope, video microscopes, -80 °C freezer, two high-speed preparative centrifuges, microfuges, water baths, incubators, neurophysiology equipment, HPLC, NMR, and spectrophotometric apparatuses. 

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