College of Science & Health: Minors

Biology Minor

Students completing a biology minor must take the following courses.

BI 111General Biology: Cells and Genes4
BI 112General Biology: Ecology and Evolution4
Plus, 10 hours of biology electives, of which 6 hours must be above the 300 level.10
Total Credit Hours18

Please note: Students must complete these requirements with a minimum grade of “C.”

Chemistry Minor

Students who would like to leave with a Chemistry minor must complete the following courses:

CourseTitleCredit Hours
CH131General Chemistry I4
CH137General Chemistry II4
CH216Organic Chemistry I5
CH217Organic Chemistry II5
Four hours of chemistry classes numbered 300 or above4
Total Credit Hours22

Forensic Science Minor

The Forensic Science Minor provides students with an understanding of the fundamental principles and techniques involved in forensic investigations in the criminal justice system. This minor may be appealing to students majoring in Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), and Criminology and Justice Studies. It provides a background in the scientific concepts, techniques, and procedures used in investigating crimes, as well as in law, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system.

CourseTitleCredit Hours
BI 318Genetics3
CH 321Analytical Chemistry4
CH 370 or CR 370Forensic Science3
CR 262Criminal Justice3
 Six credit hours of electives may be chosen from the following:
BI 220Human Anatomy & Physiology6 – 8
BI 250General Microbiology4
BI 325Pathophysiology3
BI 345Molecular Cell Biology3
CH 342Biochemistry I3
CR 360Criminological Theory3
CR 369Topics in Criminology & Justice Studies1 – 12
MA 155Elementary Probability & Statistics3
PY 350Behavior & the Brain3
PY 383Drug Addiction & Use3
Please note: Students must complete courses in criminology, chemistry, and biology for a minimum of 19 credit hours.

Kinesiology Minor

Kinesiology Minors must complete a total of 18 hours in the minor area to include:

CourseTitleCredit Hours
General Kinesiology (18 credits)
KN 211Applied Sports Medicine3
KN 271Exercise & Nutrition3
KN 314Exercise Programming3
An additional 9 credit hours of KN courses, of which at least 3 credit hours must be 300 level or above9
Rehabilitation Science (19 credits)
BI 220Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab8
HE 124Medical Terminology2
PY 210Abnormal Psychology3
An additional 6 credit hours of KN 300 level or above6
Total Hours:18-19
  • At least 18 semester hours in a subject area are required for a minor.
  • A minimum of 9 hours in the minor must be earned at Avila University.
    • At least six of these hours must be numbered 300 or above. (Note: If the minor is in Biology or Chemistry, only four (4) of the 9 semester hours in the minor at Avila must be in courses numbered 300 or above.)
  • A minimum of 9 hours must be unique between a major and a minor. 
  • A grade of “C” or better must be earned for all graded courses required for the minor.

Physics Courses

CourseTitleCredit Hours
PH 117Physics Concepts4
PH 180Topics in Physics1-3
PH 231General Physics I5
PH 232General Physics II5

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