Campus Safety: What To Do If...

Keeping Everyone Safe.

Avila University is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy campus community. Consistent with this commitment, Avila has numerous on-campus resources and programs in place.

Text Notification System

Avila University uses Regroup as our mass notification/text alert system, so please be sure your cellphone number is updated as that information is uploaded to our secured notification software.  To update your cellphone number, log-in to MyAU, at the header row click on [Forms], then in the left column click on [Notification Info].  Input your phone number, click [Submit], and the next time Avila University puts out a notice about an emergency on campus or a school closing due to weather, you will get a message.

Evacuation Routes

Campus Evacuation Points

Map of evacuation points on Avila University campus

Local Evacuation Routes

Extended Evacuation Routes

Greater Kansas City Map

Jackson County, Missouri

What to do in the event of:

  1. If any concern exists as to the seriousness of an accident, injury or illness, call (9)-911 immediately.
  2. Report non-emergency situations to Campus Safety immediately at 816-985-6079.
  3. Personal safety is your first priority. Use protective equipment when in contact with blood or other bodily fluids. Latex gloves are in all first aid kits.
  4. The injured/ill person is to be moved or transported ONLY if there is imminent danger. Until qualified personnel arrives on the scene, remain calm, and provide assistance to the best of your abilities or begin first aid if qualified.
  5. Emergencies involving a classroom or lab should call Academic Affairs at 816-501-3759.
  1. Call (9)-911.
  2. Secure the immediate area to confine the problem.
  3. Secure building by locking appropriate doors (classrooms, offices, and entrances).

  4. Call Campus Safety immediately at 816-985-6079.  If the location of a shooter is known, relay that information.
  5. Evacuate quickly, if allowed. Prevent others from entering an area where a violent intruder may be. (FLEE)
  6. If you cannot evacuate, hide in an area out of view, and silence your cell phone. Fortify your hiding spot by barricading doors as much as possible, or using the slide-bolt lock on the classrooms. (FORTIFY)
  7. Do not approach armed individuals. Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger. (FIGHT).
  8. If confronted by a hostile intruder, cooperate as much as possible and do not provoke.
  9. Once evacuated be prepared to be held in a safe location by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned.
  10.                FLEE – FORTIFY – FIGHT

If there is concern about imminent danger or the seriousness of the situation, call (9)-911, and Avila Campus Safety immediately at 816-985-6079. Non-emergency situations should be reported to the CARE team.

The following situations involving students should be referred to the CARE team:

  • Alcohol and other drug use concerns or emergencies
  • Death of a student, friend or family member
  • Mental health concerns
  • Physical injury
  • Sexual assault
  • Rape
  • Suicide or threat of suicide
  • Violent or aggressive behavior

Contact any member of the CARE team to assess the situation and make appropriate contacts and referrals:

  • Dean of Students at 816-501-3748 or 816-501-3660.
  • Health Services at 816-501-3668.
  • Personal Counselor at 816-501-3666.
  • Director of Campus Ministries at 816-501-2423.
  • Director of Student Life at 816-501-3754 or Residence Director at 816-256-6198.
  • Visit Care Team Website


Avila University is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all persons who participate in Avila University’s programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, or intimidation.

Sexual misconduct or harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Avila University. Accordingly, Avila University urges an individual to make a formal report if that individual is the victim of sexual misconduct or harassment, has knowledge of another person being the victim of sexual misconduct or harassment, or believes in good faith that he/she has witnessed a possible warning sign of sexual misconduct or harassment. A report of sexual misconduct or harassment will be dealt with promptly. Confidentiality will be maintained to the greatest extent possible.

All members of Avila University’s community, including but not limited to students, faculty (including adjunct faculty), staff, volunteers, and independent contractors are subject to this policy.
What Do I Do If I Am Sexually Assaulted?

  • Go with your instincts. Whatever you decide to do is a decision you must feel comfortable with. You will react to the crime in a way that makes the most sense to you at the time.
  • Get to a safe place—a friend’s house or any place where people can give you emotional support.
  • For survivors of Sexual Assault:
  • Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA): 24-hour Crisis Line: 816-531-0233 or 913-642-0233 or Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): 24-hour Phone Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or 24-hour Online Hotline: for confidential counseling, assistance, and referral
  • For survivors of Dating/Domestic Violence
  • Hope House: 24-hour Crisis Line: 816-461-4673 or The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or for confidential counseling, assistance, and referral.
  • Seek medical help immediately for the treatment of any injuries.
  • Sexual Assault: If you do plan to report the incident to authorities, there is an additional reason to seek medical attention. Medical evidence can be collected. For the preservation of evidence, it is recommended to not douche, bathe, shower, or change your clothes before seeking medical attention.
  • Avila encourages the preservation of evidence and information immediately following an incident. It is extremely important, and what is done with the evidence and information can be determined by the reporting party of the crime, but it is recommended to be preserved at that time.
  • If you feel comfortable, report the incident to Campus Safety (816-985-6079) and/or Kansas City Police (816-234-5550). This is your decision. While the University recommends that the Campus Safety Department and local law enforcement are both notified, you have the choice to decline to notify either or both. If you don’t feel comfortable reporting, that’s okay, there is no time limit on when a report of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and/or stalking have to be made.
  • Whether or not you decide to report the crime or participate in legal action you may seek counseling. Counseling can be beneficial as you work through your reaction to sexual assault.
  • On-Campus: Professional counseling is available on-campus through the Counseling and Career Services Center (816-501-3767
  • Local Sexual Assault Agency: MOCSA (816-531-0233)
  • Local Domestic Violence Agency: Hope House (816-461-4673
  • Local LGBTQ Agency: KCAVP (816-561-2755)
  • National Resource: RAINN (1-800-656-HOPE)
  • File a report following the judicial process if the perpetrator is part of the Avila community. An investigation for appropriate disciplinary action under the University’s conduct system will occur.
  • Tell your story soon to avoid forgetting details. Alternatively, write out the details for yourself or use a tape recorder.
  • Take whatever steps are necessary to work through the assault. This might include talking to your partner, friend or counselor about your feelings. Resume your normal routine as much as possible.

Procedures for Dealing with Sexual Offenses On-Campus

A student in a possible violation of an all-campus regulation is subject to a hearing and possible disciplinary action via the University’s Conduct Process. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action that may include termination, expulsion, suspension, removal from campus, cancellation of the contract, other appropriate institutional sanctions, or any other means necessary to address the behavior. Prosecution by civil authorities may also occur.

One of the Title IX co-Coordinator will assign a designee to investigate and then a different designee will be the hearing officer for grievances brought by students against students.



  1. Activate the nearest fire alarm to warn others in the building. Lift the clear cover, then pull the handle.
  2. When the fire alarm sounds, all rooms must be evacuated. Stay calm. Leave the room and close, but do not lock, the room door.
  3. Immediately exit the building at the closest building exit. Do not use elevators.
  4. Assist the disabled to the nearest stairwell or the closest exit. If able, assist them in exiting the building and gathering in the outside location. If you are not able to help the disabled exit the building, exit yourself and notify Campus Safety, police, or fire department of the location of the disabled.
  5. If your exit is blocked by smoke or fire, find an alternate way out. If smoke is present, crawl low below the smoke.
  6. Gather in an appropriate outside location away from the building.


Definition Community hazardous materials incident where air quality is threatened

  1. If Avila University receives information or is notified by local authorities of an emergency where hazardous materials are released in the atmosphere and air quality is threatened, we will follow this Shelter in Place protocol.

Occupants of all campus buildings are to gather in each building in the designated Emergency Zone location, as listed below. The first responder for each building will direct activities and will be in contact with Campus Safety.

Wylie Hall: Media Room
Blasco: Upper level by registrar’s office; lower level by center Office of Marketing and Communications.
Borserine: In classroom 423
Carondelet: In 1st-floor Classroom; 2nd and 3rd-floor lounges
Dallavis: In the lobby area
Fieldhouse: By Athletic Department Office
Chapel/Foyle: In Chapel
Goppert: In Goppert lobby
Hodes: Near TRIO Offices in the lobby
Library: By circulation desk
Marian: Upper level in Alumni lounge; lower level in the hallway by Eagles’ Nest
O’Rielly: Upper level by Social Work offices; lower level between classrooms 102 & 117
Thompson Hall: 1st-floor lobby
Ridgway: In 4th, 5th, and 6th-floor lounges
Whitfield: In Whitfield lobby

  1. When directed by the first responder to the area, occupants will be advised to cover their mouths and noses as they are taken to the following Shelter in Place locations:

Marian Centre Upper level (Primary Location)
Carondelet Hall 2nd floor (Primary Location)
Ridgway Hall 5th floor (Primary Location)

Backup location if all three primary locations are not usable:
Whitfield Center Conference Room (Alternate Location)
Hooley-Bundschu Library (Alternate Location)

See Shelter in Place locations map at the bottom of the page.

  1. If able, assist the disabled to the Shelter in Place locations. If you are not able and assistance is needed, call Campus Safety immediately at 816-985-6079.
  2. Occupants for Shelter in Place locations:

Marian Centre Upper level:  Blasco, Borserine, Goppert, Marian
Carondelet Hall 2nd floor:  Carondelet, Hodes, O’Rielly
Ridgway Hall 5th floor:  Dallavis, Chapel, Fieldhouse, Foyle, Library, Ridgway, Whitfield, Schlumpberger
Wylie Hall, Thompson Hall

  1. At the Shelter in Place locations, the first responder teams will be in charge of directing activities to provide for the safety of all occupants and some of the following precautions may be taken:

All doors and windows will be closed and locked.

All blinds and curtains will be closed.

All fans, heating and air conditioning systems will be turned off.

  1. Radio emergency alert stations (EAS) contact will be available and the instructions and recommendations as given by local fire and law enforcement authorities will be strictly followed.
  2. The Executive Committee will determine a further plan of action. Contact your supervisor/Dean or the Vice President of your area.
  3. If approached by the media, please refer them to the Office of Marketing and Communications at 816-501-2422. After hours contact Campus Safety at 816-985-6079. (You may give out phone numbers.) Do not make any other statements, especially do not say “no comment.” It is okay to tell the media, “I do not have that information right now. Please give me your number and your call will be returned.”

For suspicion of or detection of toxic fumes or vapors and/or the spilling of a hazardous substance on the Avila University campus, please take the following actions. Hazardous substances include chemicals, gasoline, oils, caustic products, and/or cleaning products.

Evacuate the building or area. Do not use elevators.
To avoid the sparking of gases, do not pull the fire alarm and turn off all electrical switches and devices, including computers. Do not use your cell phone!

Assist the disabled to the nearest stairwell in the building or the closest exit. If able, assist them in exiting the building and gathering in the appropriate outside location. If you are not able to help the disabled exit the building, exit yourself, and notify Campus Safety, the police, or fire department of the location of the disabled.

From a telephone outside of the affected building, contact Campus Services to assess the situation at 816-501-3629, or after hours call Campus Safety at 816-985-6079.

If an emergency exists, call (9)-911.

If a spill occurs in any of the science department labs, contact the Lab Manager at 816-501-2919.

Close off the contaminated area to prevent further contamination until the arrival of trained responders/emergency personnel.

Persons who may be contaminated by a spill are to:

  • Seek immediate medical attention (9)-911
  • Avoid contact with others
  • Alert trained responders/emergency personnel of injury


When the emergency warning sirens sound, all persons should immediately seek shelter in the lower level of buildings.

  1. Stay calm. Leave the room and close, but do not lock, the room door.
  2. Go to the basement or interior walls of lower floors. Highly reinforced areas are preferred, such as the underground tunnel walkways in most buildings.
  3. Do not use elevators. Stay away from all windows and exterior doors of buildings.
  4. Assist the disabled to the nearest stairwell. If able, assist the disabled to the lower level of buildings and to the appropriate underground severe weather location for each building. If you are not able to help the disabled exit to the lower level, notify Campus Safety of the location of the disabled, and exit yourself.

Preferred shelter locations:

  • Tunnels between Blasco, O’Rielly, and Whitfield
  • Tunnels between Marian, Carondelet, Ridgway, and Foyle
  • Goppert tunnels beneath Theatre
  • Mabee Field House lower level restrooms
  • Wylie Hall 1st floor Media room or Kitchen


Definition Electrical power failure, mechanical failure, boiler malfunction, gas line break, water main, or sewer break

  1. As soon as a failure occurs, report the problem to Campus Services.
  2. If it is an emergency at any time, 24 hours/day, call Campus Safety at 816-985-6079. If there is a danger to the building(s) and/or its occupants, be sure to notify Campus Safety of dangerous situations before they arrive.
  3. For non-emergencies during normal working hours (8:00 am – 3:30 pm), Monday – Friday, call 816-501-3629.
  4. If there is an exposure danger in the building, evacuate and use a telephone away from the area.

Definition  Emergency/disaster situation occurs that disrupts telephone service, central computer services, and /or campus network equipment, facilities, or services

Contact one of the following:

  • Telecommunications – Coordinator of Communications Services
  • If telephones are operational: ext. “0” (switchboard).
  • If telephones are NOT operational: go to Campus Safety in Whitfield.
  • Information Technology Services – Create an online support ticket or call IT Support Help Services at 816-501-2900. After hours or weekends, call Vice Provost at 816-806-6121.
  • If telecommunications and/or Information Technology Services cannot be reached, contact the Business Office:
  • Controller at 816-501-3615
  • Vice President of Fiscal Affairs at 816-501-2487.

A bomb or bomb threat is described as suspicion of or detection of toxic fumes or vapors and/or the spilling of a hazardous substance on the Avila University campus. Hazardous substances include chemicals, gasoline, oils, caustic products, and/or cleaning products.

  • Bomb threats should be taken seriously and never ignored. Act quickly!
  • If you receive the threat, remain calm, and do not panic others.

Written Message
If a written message is received, save all materials and avoid any unnecessary handling. Keep track of the following information:

  • Who found it?
  • Who else was present?
  • Where was it found or how was it delivered?
  • When was it found or delivered?
  • Who touched it?
  • Have any previous threats been received?
  • Telephone Message

If a threat is received by telephone, in a calm voice, keep the caller on the line as long as possible.

  • Try to obtain as much information as possible about the bomb and the caller. If practical, do not hang up the phone, but have someone else phone from a different phone.
  • If your phone has a display, copy the number and or letters on the window display.
  • Send a person to Whitfield Center to locate Campus Safety without telephone or radio use.
  • A decision on whether or not to evacuate will be based on all available information received. If a decision is made to evacuate, all rooms must be evacuated.
  • Assist the disabled to the nearest stairwell or the closest exit. If able, assist them in exiting the building and gathering in the outside location. If you are not able to help the disabled exit the building, exit yourself and notify Campus Safety at 816-985-6079, the police or fire department of the location of the disabled.

Signs of Suspicious Packages

  • Do not move a suspicious package; contact Campus Safety at 816-985-6079.
  • No return address
  • Excessive postage or foreign postage
  • Stains or strange odors
  • Strange sounds
  • Poorly handwritten or misspelled words
  • Restrictive notes
  • Unexpected delivery

Listed below are the outside gathering locations by building, in the event that a building needs to be evacuated.

Wylie Hall
In lower lot parking lot, near 118th Street

In the grass near picnic tables, facing Wornall Road

Borserine, Goppert
In grass by Avila University sign past parking lot, facing Wornall Road

Carondelet, Hodes
On hillside past parking lot, close to Oak Street

Chapel, Foyle
On hillside past parking lot, close to Oak Street

Mabee, Schlumpberger
On the football practice field, facing Santa Fe Drive

Marian Center
In the lower lot parking lot, near 118th Street

In grass past driveway, facing Wornall Road

Ridgway, Dallavis
On hillside past parking lot, close to Oak Street

Thompson Hall
Across the parking lot, near Softball field

Whitfield, Library
In grass past driveway, facing Wornall Road


  • Please refer them to the Office of Marketing and Communications at 816-501-2422.
  • After hours contact Campus Safety at 816-985-6079. (You may give out phone numbers.)
  • Do not make any other statements. Especially do not say “no comment.” It is okay to tell the media, “I do not have that information right now. Please give me your number and your call will be returned.”


For Anonymous Reporting of any incident of inappropriate or unethical behaviors, sexual misconduct, harassment, or illegal actions, please contact the Campus Conduct Hotline: 866-943-5787.

This is a service provided by an outside company that will take your report and submit it to the appropriate Executives of the University but will NOT provide your name or contact information.

Protect your campus. Protect yourself.


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